The Role of a Planning Consultant

If you are undertaking a planning project, no matter how big or small, it may be beneficial to gain the expertise of a planning consultant. The Role of a Planning Consultant is to ensure your project has the best chance of success. 

Knowing where to start when hiring a planning consultant may be daunting, so we’ve set out how a planning consultant can help with your project.

Do I Need a Planning Consultant? 

The planning system can be challenging to understand, especially with the fluctuating nature of legislation, planning policies and guidance. 

A planning consultant’s expert knowledge and experience can play a vital role in obtaining planning permission, especially for complex projects or sites in sensitive locations. 

Planning consultants can navigate the planning system, which is often time-consuming and technically demanding, whilst offering advice on various planning-related matters.

What Can a Planning Consultant Assist With?

The role of a planning consultant ranges from providing initial advice to being involved in all stages of the planning process.

The most common services a planning consultant provides are as follows: 

Initial advice 

Undertaking initial research into the feasibility of your proposed project against relevant planning policies and any technical constraints. A planning consultant can advise on the chances of success for obtaining planning permission and provide a tailored-made strategy for your project, which seeks to minimise any risks and increase your chances of a positive outcome.  


engaging with local planning authorities pre-application to ensure critical matters and any issues are identified before submitting a planning application. Atticus Planning usually provides a written case for a proposal in the context of planning policies and any relevant material considerations, which forms the basis of pre-application discussions with planning officers.

Planning Application

planning consultant will prepare a supporting planning statement for your application, collate all reports necessary to ensure the local planning authority accepts your application, provide input into the design stage, complete all relevant forms, submit the application and then manage it during the live application process, including liaison with the LPA / consultees / third parties as necessary. Suppose an application goes to the local planning committee for determination. In that case, a planning consultant can represent you at this meeting and make a formal address to the committee, as well as answer any questions members of the committee may have. 

Planning Appeals 

it is often beneficial to enlist a planning consultant’s support in preparing planning appeal documents and managing the appeal process. Suppose an appeal is to be determined by a hearing or public inquiry. In that case, planning consultants can also manage this process, provide support and advice to the client and project team, and act as expert witness on planning matters.

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